2024 Transfer to Secondary School (TSS)

New Intake Transition to Year 7

Welcome to the St Philomena's transition website. Please register on the form below (please only register once - on the first occasion of entering the site), then scroll down this page for further information.  There are also links at the side of the page to other sections of the website.

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to our Transition website, a dedicated space that you can access any time, that will provide you and your daughter with up to date information prior to her starting Year 7, a new Key Stage (KS), KS3 at St Philomena's in September 2024.

I feel confident that the process of waiting and the anticipation of starting a new journey will increase the excitement and hunger for learning, for new friendships and new experiences .

We have created this website to aid in communicating information.  You have already been advised of some dates of future Transition events in your Welcome Letter, but please check this website regularly for updates and further information.

This website contains the Transition Forms. Please read the information that accompanies each form carefully. Please complete the Online Family Information Form, Home School Agreement and Acceptable Use Agreement as soon as possible. 

You will also find information about Induction events, the New Intake Meetings with Senior Staff and Governors, Student Transition work, and the St Philomena's Parents Association (SPA). We hope you will find the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section helpful.  This section will be added to and if you have any transition questions, please submit them via the online form in the FAQs section and the school will update accordingly.

I end my brief introduction by expressing to you my delight and  joy at being able to offer your daughter a place at our school.  I wait with anticipation to personally meet her,  to welcome and get to know her more fully,  to watch her grow and to accompany her as she prepares to begin a new chapter in her young life here at St Philomena's. The staff and I look forward to meeting you, her parents/carers, as you all become a much valued member of our family.

With every good wish and blessings for the coming months.

Yours faithfully

Ms Noone BSc (Hons) MBA


Induction Information

New Intake Parents'/Carers' Meeting

Wednesday 24th April 2024 from 6.00pm - 7.00pm: PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FOR PARENTS/CARERS ONLY

The meeting on Wednesday 24th April is for parents/carers only. This meeting will be held in the Marie Therese Hall. It is imperative that parents/carers only attend this meeting. Your daughter is not required to attend.

Pre-Induction Day

Wednesday 5th June 2024 from 2.15pm - 4.00pm:  PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT FOR ALL STUDENTS

The Pre-Induction event, by invitation, is just for students who may be the only one or one of a small number transferring from their primary school to St Philomena's. This event is intended as an ice-breaker for these students, a chance to familiarise themselves with the school, and a time when they can meet some of their peers before the main Induction Day.

This Pre-Induction event is scheduled for Wednesday 5th June 2024 from 2.15pm to 4.00pm and invitations will be sent to all relevant families in due course. 

Those attending will be met at the Main Gate on arrival. Entrance via Shorts Road only for SATNAV purposes, the postcode for this entrance is SM5 2PB.


Wednesday 3rd July 2024 from 8.15am - 2.45pm

The Induction Day for all New Intake students is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd July 2024 from 8.15am - 2.45pm

Your daughter should take a seat in the School Chapel on arrival by 8.15am.  Your daughter should wear her junior school uniform.  Lunch will be provided free of charge by the school.  However, if your daughter has any special dietary requirements, we advise that she brings a packed lunch. Please note that we are a nut-free school.

Parking will be available on the field, to the left as you drive into the school for you when you drop your daughter off and collect her. The vehicle entrance is via Shorts Road only [for SATNAV purposes, the postcode for this entrance is SM5 2PB]. Please be aware of the Sutton School Safer Street Scheme restrictions in operation. Currently between 7.50am and 8.30am and from 2.45pm and 3.30pm you will not be able to enter the school by vehicle. If you do, you risk receiving a fine from the London Borough of Sutton. 

At the end of the Induction Day on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 from 2.30pm - 4.00pm there will be a Meet and Greet session together with a nearly new uniform sale for parents and students. Parents should join their daughters in the School grounds from 2.30pm.

Primary School Visits

Between the 10th June and the 21st June 2024 the Senior Leadership Team will visit a core number of primary schools to welcome the new intake of students and give them information about the school. Specific dates are yet to be confirmed with primary schools.

St Philomena's Parents Association (SPA)

Dear Parents and Carers,

St Philomena’s Parent and Teacher Association (SPA) needs your help. 

SPA exists to help fund projects within the school which would otherwise be unaffordable or take more time to be completed.

The projects funded have a direct impact on the education of all students at the school.

SPA is supported by a very small group of dedicated volunteers who organize and run all the events and activities and we need more people to get involved to spread the workload and make more money to fund more projects.

So what may stop you getting involved in SPA?

Without enough volunteers SPA will not be able to continue to raise important, much needed  funds for the school and important projects may not happen. Your contribution will make a difference.

So please get involved. Don’t leave it to other people. We need your help to make SPA events a success.

Please email spaevents@stphils.org.uk and we’ll make sure you get all the information you need to help.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Family Interviews with Senior Staff or Governors

New Intake Meetings - 

Every family will be invited to a New Intake Meeting. These Meetings are scheduled to take place on Thursday 27th June and Friday 28th June 2024.

These Meetings will be 10-15mins which will be by Google Meets virtually or appointments in person. 

Meetings will be scheduled for approximately 10-15  minutes between 8.00am and 5.00pmDue to the number of students, these appointments will be allocated by the school and cannot be changed. Should you wish to have an in person meeting rather than a Google Meet, please let admissions@stphils.org.uk know, stating in the subject ‘New Intake Meeting’. You will be notified of your appointment date and time by email in advance. You and your daughter will have the opportunity to meet a member of the Governing Body or Senior Leadership Team.

Prior to this meeting, please read and complete the Home School Agreement and the Acceptable Use Agreement (also available in the Transition Form section of this website).  Read the Home School Agreement and the Acceptable Use Agreement carefully with your daughter, and then please submit your agreements to these documents by completing the forms.

School Nurse appointments will be arranged for all students who have a  Health Care Plan (HCP) and those identified with certain medical needs. Relevant families will be sent a separate additional appointment time to meet with the School Nurse. 

All families must please ensure that they include all medical conditions on the Online Family Information Form which must be completed by Friday 3rd May 2024.

Students with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities will have the opportunity to meet with our SENDCo, Miss Lawson.

You can view all of the Transition Forms in the Transition Form section of this website.

Student Transition Work

Student Transition Work for the Summer

To prepare your daughter for September, we provide English, Maths and Art Summer work to help build core knowledge and skills in preparation for secondary school. Please encourage your daughter to complete this work to help her with her learning and to prepare for her transition to secondary school.  The Summer Work will be given to all our New Intake Students at the main Induction Day in July.

Transition Support for Parents